I have responded to hundreds of constituents who have shared their views on assisted suicide. I know that there are strong views on both sides of the debate, many tied to deeply personal stories of grief.
However, I will be voting against the Bill on Friday. Read my statement below explaining this decision.
If you would like to hear more on my views, please email me at rebecca.smith.mp@parliament.uk
On Friday, I will be voting against the bill to legalise assisted suicide. You can judge a nation by how it cares for its most vulnerable and I do not believe examples from other countries, nor the analysis of the Bill before us, have shown that legalising assisted suicide is in the best interests of those we have a duty to protect. I also do not believe the Bill is safe or workable and will be entirely the wrong kind of burden on our NHS and justice system. Our focus going forward should be on getting palliative and social care right and I welcome calls for a Palliative Care Commission to do just this.