This last week, I’ve been seen at Derriford Hospital four times and by the GP twice and have had an excellent experience, looked after by some inspirational men and women when I was at my most vulnerable.
For years I’ve had gynaecological issues (something I'm keen to make sure we talk about more in Parliament) which finally meant surgery was required last week to remove a fibroid. However, I also went on to have a range of side-effects from the general anaesthetic as well as what turned out to be a blood clot. Nothing to worry about and I’ve been assured I’m already making a good recovery. But it meant a few extra appointments to get to the bottom of it.
A massive thank you for the brilliant treatment I received this week and how kind and caring the staff were - Receptionists, Nurses, Theatre Staff, Anaesthetists, Gynaecologists, Health Care Assistants, Junior Doctor, Ultrasound Nurse, GPs!
I had to make the most of Devon Doctors out of hours service on Saturday and then I was one of the many, many patients in A&E on a classic Tuesday morning after a Bank Holiday weekend. It was busy! But the staff never complained, made everyone feel welcome and kept smiling throughout. It was my first experience of A&E as a patient and although the care was exemplary, I can see why the new £30 million Accident and Emergency department that’s currently being built is so important. This funding is part of £20 billion being injected specifically into our NHS hospitals and GP services by Boris and the Government.
Having recently carried out a survey on local NHS services in Plymouth and found that most people felt we needed to provide more staff and improve GP services, I am pleased that the government also recognises the importance of funding this crucial services and others.
If you’ve got a couple of minutes and would like to see the results of this survey so far and add your views, it’s not too late to have your say. Please visit